Solar & Storage Live is one of the UK's largest solar expos, held at The ExCel in London.
We attended this event on April 29th, and the following are our key takeaways.
What is Solar & Storage Live?
Since its 2012 launch in Birmingham, Solar & Storage Live UK has grown to be the biggest solar energy event in the UK. The two-day event showcases a huge range of solar and storage equipment manufacturers and includes demonstrations, installer training, networking opportunities and talks by guest speakers from within the solar industry.
Why we chose to attend the event
We visited Solar & Storage Live as part of our annual CPD commitments and also to learn more about some of the new products soon to be available, such as the long awaited GivEnergy three-phase version of their All In One battery storage system.
As the largest solar expo in the United Kingdom, it was an excellent opportunity for us to get a firsthand look at some of the latest technology, products and services that are driving the transition to more intelligent and environmentally-friendly energy solutions.
Key Takeaways
Solar & Storage Live 2024 hosted over 150 exhibitors from around the world, showcasing innovative ways of thinking to help fuel the revolution to solar energy. We spoke to industry experts from GivEnergy and Infinity Innovations about their latest products.
As an approved GivEnergy installer, we took the chance to learn more about the new three phase All In One home battery storage system ahead of its UK launch. We also received an update on the progress being made regarding the linking of existing single phase All In Ones, which will better help to accommodate our customers growing storage requirements. We discovered some important details on the most recent firmware releases, which will enable integration with the Octop us Energy Intelligent flux smart tariff, enabling users to achieve even greater savings on their energy bills. We look forward to learning more during our annual training visit at GivEnergy HQ in June.